The 2024 Lenin Award
Saturday 9 November it is time once again for the award ceremony at Varberg Theatre.
“A kick in the nuts aimed at the powers that be”. That’s how Lasse Diding describes the purpose of Jan Myrdal's big prize – the Lenin Award that’s awarded every year to an author or artist in Sweden, who operates with social criticism and in a rebellious leftist tradition. With the prize money amounting to 100,000 SEK, the Lenin Award is one of the bigger cultural awards in Sweden – and without a shadow of a doubt the most contentious! Jan Myrdal's small prize – the Robespierre Prize amounts to 25,000 SEK and should reward a young Swedish writer or artist, who operates in a critical spirit.
Read more about The Lenin AwardSaturday 9 November it is time once again for the award ceremony at Varberg Theatre.
Lasse Diding puts the debate about the award into perspective.
The Robespierre Prize should reward a young writer or artist, working in a critical spirit.
Suggest a candidate for the Lenin Award or the Robespierre Prize!
On January 1, 2023, Leninland’s scholarship accommodation in Varberg opened.
Watch the award ceremony in its entirety here:
Follow the sometimes hot debate about the Lenin Award over the years.
A communist entrepreneur? Read more about the man behind the Lenin Award.